Dalefoot Composts

The peat-free compost products made by Dalefoot Composts are ewe-nique. Sustainable composts made from sheep’s wool, bracken and comfrey produced on a family farm in the stunning Lake District. Packed with natural nutrients they feed plants right through the season and as the wool retains moisture, you can water less. Genius!

Simon and Jane, who run the company, also help restore the UK’s protected peat bogs. Their environmental work, coupled with their compost making, gives the pair a unique 360° view of the peat (free) gardening debate and the importance of these precious landscapes.

Emma Mason PR has been working with their team since 2007, telling the gardening, home and national media how good their compost products are and assisting them at garden and trade shows.

peat free Dalefoot Compost Wool Compost for Seeds